Friday, February 10, 2012

I Want To Be A Sea Lion Some Day

There is nothing more inspired, beautifully choreographed and brutal than life in the ocean.  I can't get enough of the wonders of the deep and I am always reminded how insignificant we really are in comparison.  Except, of course, when it comes to our ability to destroy this poetic ecosystem.

There has been a lot of talk lately about abortion rights with little attention given to the fact that we are an overpopulated species that is killing our host Mother Earth.  We drill holes in the earth and pump chemicals to disturb the gasses that naturally occur without any knowledge or concern of what the chemicals are, how they affect the immediate ecosystem and the long term affects of the planets environment; to name one of a million injustices.  When we took possession of this Continent from the savage Native Americans, we showed no remorse in annihilating a culture that lived as one with the environment around them, understood the need to control their population as a tool of survival for themselves and the bountiful land they lived on.  Instead we crept along the landscape like an opportunistic infection decimating everything in our path without replenishing, and we are still at it.

In my world view gay men should be paid for not contributing to an already overpopulated planet and  fundamentalist heterosexuals should spend less time trying to make "the gays" look bad and  spend more time figuring out how to reduce their breeding practices (and telling kids to be abstinent ain't going to work fundamentalist people) so that there might be less tuna fish sandwiches going to school and the inhabitants of the ocean might be able to replenish themselves and once again live in harmony with the monsters on the surface.

I am not a religious person.  However, I do believe many of the principles in religious text.  And I am quite confident, while watching this fluid, magnificent world, that when the bible states that "the meek shall inherit the Earth" it is not referring to us humans who weren't strong enough, greedy enough, or corrupt enough to get all the bullshit their hocking in magazines, rap videos and the Home Shopping Network.  No, no, no the meek inhabitants are the ones that have lived in harmony with their environment throughout human history, the animals.

Book suggestion:
UNDAUNTED COURAGE about the Lewis and Clark expedition by Stephen E. Ambrose

Oh and a shout out to the squid orgy.  Who knew they got so freakaay, and talk about a killer orgasm.